How Dreamdata empowers Clio’s marketing team and improves ROI



Legal Tech


Vancouver, Canada


1000+ Employees


“Dreamdata has really empowered not just our marketing leadership or marketing operations, but the whole marketing team to be more successful in their individual channels, programs and investments. And that's paid huge dividends for us in our growth over the last 18 months."

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing




1. Limited by single-touch attribution

Relying solely on first and last-touch attribution models restricted Clio's ability to understand the entire customer journey.

These models are effective for short sales cycles, overlooking the numerous interactions that occur throughout the complex B2B customer journey. This limitation made it harder for Clio to make informed, data-driven decisions.

"When you're building tools internally, there are a lot of resources required to continuously make them better. So we had first and last-touch attribution, but it was limited. There were a lot of things that it was missing and it would only work under a certain set of buyer journeys or criterias”

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing


2. Time-consuming reporting

Using Looker for self-serve reporting proved challenging for Clio's marketing team.

Reports often took a very long time to load, hindering the team's ability to make timely decisions and embrace their data-first culture.

“One of the biggest challenges around our self-serve reporting was that it was slow. The data would pipe through into our BI tool, and then take ages to load. Our team really complained about not having reporting that was easy and accessible. If it’s gonna take someone half a day to pull a report that makes a huge difference to the culture of how one feels about data."

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing


3. Complex customization needs

As a multifaceted business with different prospect segments, geographical regions, offerings, and funnel stages, Clio lacked an accessible tool to suit their unique customization needs.

With their existing solution, the team was required to do advanced data manipulation, leading to frustration and inefficiencies.




1. Multi-touch attribution

Dreamdata empowers Clio to dive into their customer journeys, employing a range of attribution models for qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Understanding the full impact of these interactions enables Clio to refine strategies and allocate resources effectively.


2. Out-of-the-box reports

All of Dreamdata’s reports are pre-built, load quickly, and deliver actionable insights without delay. This immediate access to data empowers Clio’s marketing team to make faster, more informed decisions.


3. Flexible stage modeling

Using Dreamdata’s stage models, Clio can effectively define and track funnel goals.

With all of their paid marketing activities connected to specific stages and with attribution models applied, Clio have gained clear insights into the actions influencing each of these stages.

"From the beginning, we knew that our business has complex needs whether we're talking about different business segments or different geographies or different funnel stages, cross-sell versus new business. Dreamdata is built in a way that enables us to have multiple stage models to address each of these business points. I think that's huge."

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing


4. CRM Property filters for customized reporting

Dreamdata’s platform equips Clio with CRM property filters, allowing them to filter on any field in their CRM.

Using these, Clio can now tailor their reports to specific customer segments without requiring extensive technical knowledge, making them easily accessible across their team.


5. Offline conversions to automatically optimize ad spend

After capturing all of Clio’s conversion data points across the entire pipeline - online and offline, Dreamdata automatically syncs these with Google and LinkedIn. This offline conversion functionality enhances targeting algorithms and boosts the performance of both current and future campaigns.

According to LinkedIn's research, using LinkedIn Offline Conversions (CAPI) via Dreamdata leads to a 20% reduction in Cost per Acquisition and a 31% increase in attributed conversions.




1. Multi-channel optimization improving ROI

With these granular insights, Clio has been able to identify and invest in their high-performing paid channels, campaigns, and offline events, fueling positive growth and improved ROI over the past 18 months.

“In Dreamdata, you can look at every single channel, program, and initiative and see where to optimize and improve. A lot of our growth in the last 18 months has come from optimizations. I think that's one place where Dreamdata has really helped us.”

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing


2. Encouraging a data-driven culture

Reliable and comprehensive data from Dreamdata has helped Clio reinforce their commitment to data-driven decision-making.

Through fostering accountability and creating a positive data culture, the team is motivated to leverage data for better marketing ROI.


3. Empowered individuals and teams

Dreamdata gives the power to easily analyze all aspects of their go-to-market data.

This accessibility and flexibility encourages collaboration and empowerment, for the whole marketing team at Clio.


About Clio

Clio is a legal software powerhouse offering a cloud-based case management system. They cater to the needs of law firms, streamlining their operations for both clients and staff. Clio's software boasts features like secure document storage, automated reminders to ensure deadlines are met, and efficient client intake tools to help win new business.

Alex Shipillo, VP of Growth Marketing at Clio, oversees a team of 27, focused on demand generation, performance marketing and field marketing, and international expansion. With a global marketing team of 85 individuals and over 1000 employees, Clio is committed to empowering legal professionals worldwide with innovative technology solutions.


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