All your paid channels connected to revenue

Measure and analyse performance across all your revenue-generating activities with our Performance feature. Maximise effectiveness, improve ROI, and cut waste.

Analyse the performance of all your marketing activities.


B2B ads performance measured in one place

▪︎ Break down performance by source and campaign across all your Ad Networks.

▪︎ Measure ROAS and LTV of all your ads.

▪︎ Attribute revenue back to your paid channels.

See in action ➝


See the impact of your organic social activities

▪︎ Connect your social media visitors, contacts and accounts to revenue and deals won.

▪︎ Identify where social media sources are landing in your site.

▪︎ Explore the landing pages converting social media sourced visitors into deals.


Analyse your cross-channel campaign performance

▪︎ Assess your channel performance by revenue or number of deals generated.

▪︎ Identify worst performing campaigns by revenue or deals across customised time period.

▪︎ Sort channel traffic by deals, visitors, contacts and accounts.


Send pipeline data back to LinkedIn and Google Ads campaign manager

▪︎ Tailor the ads algorithms to your ICPs.

▪︎ Automatically optimise your bidding.

▪︎ Improve your LinkedIn Ads CPA by 20%.

Learn more about offline conversions →

Marketing activities connected to revenue, finally.

Measure  and compare efforts B2B performance

Measure and compare your efforts under one roof

ROAS LTV B2B performance of all your ads

Learn the ROAS and LTV of all your ads

Optimise ROI B2B performance across channels

Optimise ROI across your channels

 And Dreamdata is here to support you every step of the way