Dreamdata is the leading B2B Google Analytics alternative. Providing B2B marketers with privacy-friendly, account-based website analytics, revenue attribution and more.

Web tracking for B2B. Finally.


Google Analytics alternative
for B2B users

Digital Analytics

Dreamdata’s Digital Analytics is a dedicated B2B web tracking and analytics product.

By using account-based tracking and pipeline impact analytics, Dreamdata allows marketers to measure page and conversion performance data in a B2B-friendly way.

Performance Analytics and Revenue Attribution

Go further still and scale your go-to-market efforts with confidence.

Dreamdata’s data platform sits at the centre of your go-to-market ecosystem and connects all your activities to revenue.

Account-based tracking

GDPR compliant/ EU data storage

Business data segmentation

Cost reporting on ad networks

Cross-device tracking

Conversion Analytics

Page performance Analytics

Advanced Impact Analytics
(Influenced Leads)

For B2Bs, individual visitor tracking is not enough.

Activate account-based tracking and identification and learn your true conversion rates.

The B2B marketer deserves to work with web analytics tailored to their account-based needs. 

Dreamdata’s tracking script has been optimised for the B2B customer journey. So you can monitor if your account conversion rate is the same as your visitor conversion rate.

Dreamdata identifies visitors’ company credentials using a combination of tracked form submit and reverse IP lookup.

It doesn’t end there. Dreamdata will then continue adding data on the sessions this account makes throughout their journey - enabling you to know what’s really working and what isn’t.

Work with Advanced Impact Analytics and discover the true quality of your traffic and conversions.

Knowing that someone visited your site and submitted a form gives some clarity. But what about everything that happens next? Did they become a lead? An opportunity? A won deal?

The B2B customer journey continues beyond the simple conversion event. With Dreamdata’s Digital Analytics you can see the influence of site engagement on pipeline.

Simply set up custom pipeline KPIs based on real business goals so you know the real impact of your site.

Go deeper.
Measure event impact on pipeline.

Work with firmographic segmentation. Discover your best-performing segments and build killer retargeting audiences.

With all that valuable B2B data in hand, Dreamdata’s intuitive dashboards and reports make it easy to slice and dice the engagement data. 

Digital Analytics makes it easy to dig deeper into your business segments and discover if visitors fit your Ideal Customer Profile.

Dig down into your B2B account segments like never before.

GDPR compliant from the get-go, so you can analyse without fear of data privacy non-compliance.

All Dreamdata tracking and identification is GDPR compliant by design - and the data never leaves the EU.

As EU data privacy regulations continue to tighten, US-based analytics providers like Google Analytics have been placed under greater scrutiny by regulators.

Dreamdata allows you to collect, store and analyse your web data without having to worry about the privacy of your customer data.

Find out more about data tracking in the post-GDPR world →

Privacy-friendly by design.

Build custom reports and share them with your team

Product flexibility is one of the most important requirements of the go-to-market org. Every business has unique needs.

Dreamdata’s reports are built with simple customisation in mind. With easy-to-navigate filters, advanced KPI setting and shared reporting, your team will always have exactly what they need.

What’s more, Dreamdata never samples your data - no matter how custom or advanced your reports are. Real analysis on real data.

Simple report building and customisation.

Dreamdata’s Digital Analytics is just the first step.
Connect all your go-to-market activities to revenue to see what actually works and what doesn’t.

Dreamdata’s Revenue Attribution and Analytics platform connects all your go-to-market activities to revenue. Giving you the confidence you need to scale.

Connect your go-to-market ecosystem and accelerate your growth.

Why choose Dreamdata as a Google Analytics Alternative?

No use of sampled data, just real data from real accounts on your site.

Advanced impact analytics, connecting website engagement to pipeline.

Cross-device, account-based tracking tailored to the B2B user.

GDPR compliant tracking and identification. With all data stored in the EU.


How to get started with
Dreamdata’s Digital Analytics?

  1. Install Dreamdata’s tracking script.

  2. Set your custom conversions and pipeline KPIs.

  3. Optimise your site for success.