Exploring B2B go-to-market benchmarks 2022

Episode 1

In Q2 2022, Dreamdata released our first B2B go-to-market benchmarks report, in this episode Laura, Steffen, Jeremy and Lars are going through the report’s main findings, and what these reveal about the B2B customer journey.

They cover:

  • How long does the average B2B customer journey take?

  • How many touches are there before closing a deal?

  • How many stakeholders are involved in customer journeys?

  • How does the first touch channel influence the customer journey?

Connect with our hosts and guests:

Laura Erdem: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lerdem/

Steffen Hedebrandt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steffenhedebrandt/

Lars Grønnegaard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larsgroennegaard/

Jeremy Sacramento: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-sacramento-b2b08618b/