What's the best way to do B2B LinkedIn Ads?

Episode 29

What's the best way to do B2B LinkedIn Ads?

Is LinkedIn the place to run your Ads?

Let’s see:

- Ads on LinkedIn reach more than 13% of the entire world population.

- 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members are decision-makers.

- The average ROI of LinkedIn ads is 17.60%.

- You can target exactly the accounts on your target listLinkedIn is especially useful for B2B businesses.

If you want to reach your target audience as a B2B Marketer you should learn the best practice of applying LinkedIn Ads as a part of your inbound strategy.

But how to stand out and break through the Ad clutter??

Join Steffen Hedebrandt and Gabriel Ehrlich CEO at Remotion talking about all the hidden gems of LinkedIn Ads and its best practices!!

- What to consider when you’re setting up your LinkedIn Campaigns

- How to Analyze them

- LinkedIn Strategy

Enjoy it and don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a comment. 

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