

Curious about your Acquisition channels?
Why not check out your data today?


Video Transcript:

Hi guys. I wanted to show you this feature that enables you to understand, you can say your global campaigns, your global projects, meaning that it's things that takes place across different kinds of ad platforms, different kinds of media. It could be calling, it can be email, it can be something else. So a lot of people, for example, do like, let's say you do a Black Friday campaign and you run it on Facebook, on Google, on Twitter, on Instagram, on LinkedIn, any place you can kind of think of. And you also associate like team effort, like sending emails, you call customers, you maybe have some partners that sent you some referral traffic. And if you want to understand actually how many deals in revenue that brought in or sales qualified leads as I've selected here, we can actually give you this overview.

So if you have a project team that kind of coordinates full campaigns, you'll be able to bring together all of the different kinds of touches based on how much revenue they actually brought in. And as always, you want to be looking at all the attribution models available before you make any conclusions, because the project might have been good at starting some deals, another project might have been good at closing some deals and so forth. Yeah, but that's a really nice and simple way to actually get an overview of whether your campaigns work. So saw your company ran a campaign that's called Webinar, could be Black Friday, it could be special offer, et cetera, then you can isolate whatever campaign you want to be looking at and it's going to be media and channel agnostic. It will pull in everything. And then you see from this campaign called Webinar, you have actually 12 deals and you have $670,000 of revenue. Neat.