
How engaged are the opportunities in your sales pipeline?

In this video, Sander Luckow, Sales Team Lead at Dreamdata, shows how to use Reveal to analyse the engagement of accounts in your sales pipeline.

Supplementary Guide

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and more examples we recommend you watch the video above.

Step 1: Prepare your list of accounts in Reveal

  1. Start by opening Dreamdata's Reveal report to prepare for a deep dive into your current sales pipeline's engagement levels.

  2. Filter by accounts having reached SQL stage to narrow down your focus on accounts that are actively progressing through your sales funnel.

  3. Further refine your list by adding yourself as the account owner so that you're only viewing accounts directly related to you.

Step 2: Review account engagement

With the filters applied, you'll see a list of accounts that are in your sales pipeline.

Examine the level of engagement for each account, noting any upward trends or signs of active involvement with your brand. This could include interactions with the Dreamdata website or engagement with your brand on LinkedIn.

Step 3: Identify another intent signal

Filter by URL to check if any of the accounts have visited your pricing page recently, this can indicate high purchasing intent.

Step 4: Leverage Insights for Sales Meetings

The insights gathered from this report can arm you with valuable information for sales meetings, enhancing your ability to forecast which deals are most likely to close.

Identifying highly engaged accounts, especially those showing interest in pricing, provides a strategic advantage in prioritizing follow-ups and customizing your sales approach.


Utilizing Dreamdata's Reveal report to examine the engagement levels of opportunities in your sales pipeline enables a more strategic and informed approach to sales.

By focusing on accounts showing high engagement and interest, especially in crucial areas like pricing, sales teams can better allocate their efforts towards nurturing leads most likely to convert, ultimately driving success and efficiency in the sales process.