
How to amplify G2's impact on your pipeline with Dreamdata’s paid plans

Andrea Coloma, Product Marketing Manager at Dreamdata, shows you how to scale G2's impact on every stage of your funnel using G2 buyer intent data and Dreamdata's paid plans.

Supplementary Guide

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and more examples, we recommend you watch the video above.

Step 1: Subscribe to G2 intent data

Our own research has found that customer journeys where a Review Site is the first touch are 63% shorter than the average. So, G2 is an incredibly powerful platform for B2B companies to leverage.

Step 2: Visualize you G2 buyer intent data in the customer journey

  1. Head to the Customer Journeys > Deals to find the account you’re looking for. Alternatively, find the cohort you’re looking for using the Audience Hub > Audiences, e.g. your biggest deals in the quarter and select companies from there.

  2. Review the timeline for each account, which consolidates all touchpoints from all your B2B go-to-market data, and see how G2 influenced the journey.

  3. Click on any G2 touchpoint to explore the session in detail.

    By seeing G2 intent data in an account-based journey, we can analyze how G2 contributes to deal progression from Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) and ultimately to closed-won.

Step 3: Analyze the return on your G2 investment

  1. Go to Performance > ROI report in Dreamdata.'

  2. Focus your analysis on last year’s activities and measure them against the funnel stage you want to analyze, e.g. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) generated.

  3. Apply the data-driven attribution model to assign credit to relevant touchpoints. This multi-touch attribution model uses machine learning to identify the most influential touchpoints in your customer journeys.

  4. Scroll down to the “Metrics for Paid Activities” table.

  5. Sort by ROI to see how G2 performs relative to other channels based on:

    • Influenced prospects and influenced value

    • Prospects and value

    • Cost per acquisition

    • Return on investment

In the video, G2 accounts for just 3% of total marketing spend but delivers the highest ROI for generating SQLs.

Step 4: Measure G2’s impact on revenue

  1. Go to Revenue Analytics > Revenue Attribution report in Dreamdata.

  2. Focus your analysis on SQLs generated last year.

  3. Apply the data-driven attribution model to quantify G2’s contribution to revenue.

    💡 Tip: To measure G2’s role in starting customer journeys that became SQLs last year, apply the first-touch attribution model.

  4. Filter by G2 as a source to isolate its impact.

  5. Analyze the following metrics:

    • Number of SQLs generated by G2

    • G2’s share of total prospects

    • Total revenue attributed to G2

  6. To get more granular insights, group the data by “Campaign” and scroll down to the “Performance Summary” table.

  7. Compare G2 intent signals such as category, profile, and alternatives based on:

    • Influenced prospects and value

    • Prospects and value generated

    • Share of total prospects

    • Average prospects value

Step 4: Create and sync custom audiences to LinkedIn and Google Ads daily

  1. Go to Audience Hub > Audiences in Dreamdata.

  2. Click on New Audience and Companies to create a new audience.

  3. Add conditions to define your audience. You can create audiences based on activities performed, stages reached, and properties sourced from your CRM or enriched by Dreamdata.

  4. In this video, the audience includes:

    • Companies with contacts that performed any event where the source equals G2 during the last quarter.

    • Company country equals United States or Canada to target the North American market.

    • Companies that haven’t reached the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) stage.

  5. Dreamdata Audiences are dynamic, which means the audience will automatically adjust when companies meet or no longer meet the criteria, i.e. when companies enter the MQL stage we remove them automatically from the audience.

  6. Go to Audience Hub > Syncs to sync your custom audience with LinkedIn Ads or Google Ads.

  7. Once you select LinkedIn Ads or Google Ads, select your ad account and audience. And you’re done!

  8. Dreamdata will automatically update your audience daily, so you don’t have to manage it manually.


By following these steps, you’ll be able to measure, prove, and scale G2’s impact at every stage of your pipeline using Dreamdata’s paid plans.