
How to leverage G2 intent data to effectively target your ICP with LinkedIn ads 

Steffen Hedebrandt, Dreamdata CMO, shows you how you can make sure your ad spend related to G2 data is as effective as possible, by layering your ICP profile on top of the intent signals.

Supplementary Guide

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and more examples we recommend you watch the video above.

Step 1: Subscribe to G2 intent data

Our own research has found that customer journeys where a Review Site is the first touch are 63% shorter than the average. So, G2 is an incredibly powerful platform to spot prospects expressing buying signals.

Step 2: Build your audience in Dreamdata

  1. Click ‘Add condition’.

  2. Select ‘Source’ = equals any of = G2.

  3. Time period = any time during the last 90 days.

  4. Click ‘Apply’.

Now you have a list of accounts that you have received from G2’s intent.

Step 3: Filter by ICP accounts

  1. Click ‘Add condition’.

  2. Choose ‘Where company property’ = employees = (select desired size).

  3. Click ‘Add condition’.

  4. Choose ‘Where company property’ = industry = (select desired industry).

  5. Click ‘Add condition’.

  6. Choose ‘Where company property’ = company country = (select desired countries).

  7. Click ‘Apply’ to get a list of your ICP accounts you can run ads to.

Step 4: Filter by accounts in your CRM

This is to ensure that you are only targeting accounts that are part of your addressable market.

  1. Click ‘Add condition’.

  2. Choose ‘Where company property’ = is in CRM = true.

Step 5: Save your audience

  1. Click ‘Save Audience’.

2. Choose a descriptive name, such as "G2 intent data + ICP layer".

Step 5: Sync the audience with LinkedIn Ads

Activate your custom audiences instantly by automatically sending them directly to Google and LinkedIn Ads with Audience Sync.

  1. Navtigate to Audience Hub > Syncs.

  2. Select ‘LinkedIn Matched Audiences’.

  3. Click ‘Add New’, select your ad account, and choose the audience you created (e.g., "G2 intent data + ICP layer").

  4. Click ‘Save’ to initiate the audience build process on LinkedIn, which typically takes 24-48 hours.


Combining G2 intent data with Dreamdata’s ICP filtering and LinkedIn Matched Audiences ensures your ad spend targets the most relevant accounts. Try this workflow to enhance your ad targeting strategy!