
Measuring mid-funnel LinkedIn Ads performance with Dreamdata

Measuring mid-funnel LinkedIn Ads performance with Dreamdata video transcript

Hi. Let's talk about one of the most expensive channels for this use case and how to figure out which of your ads are you to scale in order to get more revenue out of those. So in this fictive example, remember all what I'm going to show you is fictive. So if you think that, oh, numbers looks crazy. Maybe because it is, but have a look.

So the way I would work with this, so at the moment I'm looking into what is it that we're spending most on of our ad spend? So this year, this is our ad spend and I have decided this time to pick up LinkedIn. It consists of almost 36% of the full ad spend of the year. Let's have a look at performance of LinkedIn ads.

What I have been hearing people saying that it's very difficult to prove that LinkedIn ads are actually working. People are saying, oh yes, well we are spending a lot of money. It's very expensive, and we have to make sure that we are spending them wisely. Have a look. So what I'm choosing to do right now for LinkedIn ads is choosing the same timeframe for the year.

You can make it smaller as well, and picking up a higher funnel revenue stage. So in this example, an SQL. So in the SQL, looking into the campaign groups for LinkedIn, this was the cost of those, the amount of influence leads and the amount of attributed leads. Let's have a look at the performance so now we're gonna figure out which of those ad groups have been the most expensive ones, so we can see that there were some ABM campaigns for targeting videos, revenue automation, and we can see that seems like the ABM campaign is the least successful one, even though it was the most expensive one. And in addition to that, let's figure this out if we actually have closed any new business this year.

So now we're looking into a long time perspective so that prospects had the time to become clients throughout the year. Because it's in B2B, we've got a lot of stakeholders, a lot of touches. And how does this ABM campaign look like? So here we had this, the one with the most spend, and finally we're seeing that it is the one that was giving most of their returns, actually. So looking into the value that it has produced. So it has actually produced the most value out of other, the rest of the campaigns. So even though it was a campaign that did not seem to bring that many SQLs for you, though a new business created, it had the most touches in the closed new business customer journeys.

And this is the way can start, plug and play with your campaign performance on LinkedIn. Hope it's useful. Gimme some questions if you would like me to try out some different ways to do it as well.

Laura Erdem showcases how Dreamdata can be used to prove LinkedIn Ads mid-funnel performance. In this example she walks you through the following insights:

  • Overview over your complete ad spend - Mid funnel view of Linkedin ads performance

  • Linkedin Ad Group performance to revenue closed

She finds that a Linkedin Ad Group that brought the most of the NewBiz touches this year actually seemed to be underperforming judged on Sales Qualified Leads created.


💡 Don't kill your Linkedin campaigns too early

💡 The least performing mid-funnel campaign might be performing great in the full customer journey perspective to close NewBiz