
See if your B2B emails produce pipeline and revenue

Do your B2B emails produce pipeline and revenue?

Most B2B companies frequently send emails to their followers and customers. Typically measurements for success are very early indicators like Open rates and Click rates. That’s what we’ve been doing mostly at Dreamdata as well. However, open rates and click rates are not really what matter, right? 💰

What we’ve recently discovered, as we introduced our Data-driven attribution model, is that when we see accounts moving into the sales pipeline and being won, then emails are very often influential. In this video I drill into our emails and show which newsletter influenced most SQLs for us.

Supplementary Guide

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and examples, we recommend you watch the video above.

Step 1: Explore the Data-driven Attribution Model

  1. Go to the revenue attribution report in Dreamdata (Revenue Analytics > Revenue Attribution).

  2. Explore the data-driven attribution model to identify which channels are contributing to pipeline selection. In the video Steffen can see that Emails are playing a big part in driving SQLs.

Step 2: Understand the impact of emails on the sales pipeline

  1. Click the ‘Channel’ filter and select ‘Emails’ to focus in on these.

  2. Group the data by ‘Source + Campaign’ to understand the impact of specific emails on the sales pipeline.

Step 3: Isolate Specific Emails

  1. Isolate sources that you want to focus on (e.g. Newsletters).

  2. Identify which of these newsletters have the most impact on creating sales-qualified opportunities.

Step 4: Determine High-Impact Email Topics

  1. Look for emails that influenced the highest number of deals or sales-qualified opportunities.

  2. Take note of the themes of these successful emails (e.g., invitations to use Dreamdata, case studies, alignment strategies between sales and marketing).

Step 5: Make Revenue-Driven Decisions on Email Content

Now you can assess the real impact of emails on progressing deals towards the sales pipeline.

Based on this analysis, you can decide what type of email content to produce more of and what to reduce, focusing on content that drives pipeline and revenue growth.