
Using Dreamdata Reveal to find your hidden demand

Supplementary Guide

These steps give you a brief summary of the content outlined in the video above.

Step 1: Explore Dreamdata Reveal

You can find the Reveal report by going to Journeys > Reveal.

Reveal is an intent hub that aggregates data from various online interactions of accounts with your business entities, such as your website, G2 profile, and LinkedIn ads.

Step 2: Analyse account engagement

  1. Review the aggregated data to understand current activities of these accounts.

  2. Identify if accounts are showing increased interest or behaviour similar to your typical customers.

Step 3: Distinguish accounts in your CRM from those not in your CRM

  1. Use the “Is in CRM” filter to differentiate between accounts already in your CRM and those that are not.

  2. Pay special attention to those not in your CRM, as they may represent untapped potential.

Step 4: Identify accounts without an owner

Use the “Has an Account Owner” filter to focus on accounts that fit your typical customer profile but do not have an assigned account owner in your sales team. This could indicate missed sales opportunities.

Step 5: Explore the variety of filters options

  1. Use filters to refine the account list based on industry, annual revenue, company size, and country to identify accounts that best match your ideal customer profile.

Step 6: Target specific webpage interactions

  1. Select a specific URL from your website, such as the pricing page, to see which accounts have interacted with it. This can help identify accounts who are likely to purchase from you.

Step 7: Find hot accounts

  1. Sort accounts by their engagement score to see which ones are showing the most intent across your website, G2, and LinkedIn.

Step 8: Leverage Data for B2B Sales and Marketing Strategies

  1. Export a list of these engaged accounts for your sales or BDR team for follow-up.

  2. Alternatively, use this list to increase marketing efforts, like targeted ads, to nudge these accounts towards sales meetings or contracts.