Announcing Dreamdata Analytics Script 2.0

We are really excited to unveil our Analytics Script 2.0: future-proof first-party tracking for the privacy-conscious B2B marketing team.

This all-in-one tracking solution delivers page tracking, form tracking, intent data tracking, and fallback cookieless account tracking in a single, streamlined package.

In this way, the script puts first-party data at the center of your tracking infrastructure, helping you capture essential data in a privacy-safe way.

And in this post, we’re digging into all the details of our new Analytics Script 2.0.



  • First-party tracking with Dreamdata’s Analytics Script 2.0 

  • Hybrid intent: a smarter way to capture user intent

  • Cookieless Tracking Script to ensure complete tracking

  • A core component of tracking the account-based B2B customer journey

  • Proven Success: out of Beta and ready for you

  • Advice for existing Dreamdata customers


Analytics Script 2.0 - First-party B2B tracking with built-in flexibility

The Dreamdata Analytics Script 2.0 is designed to be a one-stop solution for your first-party tracking. Right out of the box, it includes:

  • Custom tracking of your users’ most important activities, including page views and conversions.

  • Form tracking automatically adapted to a wide range of form types and submission methods.

  • First-party intent tracking with anonymous IP-to-company resolution.

  • Hybrid intent with built-in options to integrate other intent sources, such as 6Sense and Clearbit.

  • Cookieless Account Analytics offering a first-party company tracking fallback when users decline cookies.

First-party data starts with site tracking

The Analytics Script is the centerpiece of your first-party data collection.

Site tracking starts from the moment a user comes onto your site whether through paid ads, social, direct, or organically.

Once they have accepted ‘statistics cookies’ (more on cookieless tracking below) they will be assigned an anonymous ID to all users as they interact with your website.

The script loads in the browser using both cookies and browser local storage to store information identifying the user.

The anonymous journey is stored in a database awaiting later association to an email, company, etc. This enrichment will be added as the user identifies themself through form submissions, such as demo requests, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Every future session is tracked in the same way, allowing us to record the end-to-end user timeline.


This timeline then forms part of a wider account-based timeline, where every contact’s sessions from the same account is recorded as a singular account-based buying journey.


Good to know - The tracking script can be implemented in two ways: 1) Client side or 2) Server side. Find out more here →

Form tracking

Form tracking is typically the trickier aspect of site tracking, due to the diverse ways businesses handle forms on their websites.

Whether you’re using custom static HTML forms, third-party provider forms, or a combination of both, the lack of standardization can make automated tracking difficult.

However, with Analytics Script 2.0, we’ve made this process significantly easier. 

Our script is designed to adapt to a wide range of form types and submission methods, ensuring that you can capture critical data without the usual hassle.

Once you’ve integrated our script, tracking form submissions becomes seamless. Whether it’s newsletter sign-ups, account registrations, demo requests or any other user actions, our script automatically detects and records these events. 

The script also accommodates Single-page Applications, which you can read about in more detail here → 

First-party intent

Like our previous tracking script, our Analytics Script 2.0 also incorporates first-party intent straight out of the box through anonymous IP-to-company resolution. This ensures that you can action visitors’ engagement even when they haven’t identified themselves.

But that’s not all, the Analytics Script 2.0 also encompasses 

Hybrid intent: a smarter way to capture user intent

Identifying who is showing intent through increased activity is crucial to B2B go-to-market teams, and Dreamdata's hybrid intent feature streamlines this process.

The script includes built-in options to integrate seamlessly with various intent data sources such as 6Sense and Clearbit

Unlike previous versions, there’s no need to install additional scripts or worry about swapping out existing ones when making changes or adding new data sources.

It automatically detects and integrates intent data from multiple sources, providing a more holistic view of your audience without requiring any extra setup.

This inbuilt flexibility makes the script virtually futureproof. Customers will automatically have support for future intent sources.

Multiple sources of intent for better accuracy and depth


It’s worth emphasizing here that having multiple sources of intent data - in particular first and second-party data - significantly enhances the accuracy, depth, and enrichment of the intent insights you can gather about potential B2B customers.

You can read more about this, here → 

By eliminating the need to manage multiple scripts or manual configurations, the script simplifies the process of gathering and analyzing intent data. This means you can spend less time on technical details and more time leveraging insights to optimize your go-to-market strategy.

For instance, identifying the most active leads engaging with your brand using Reveal, or building relevant audiences based on intent signals using Audience Hub.

Cookieless Account Analytics Script: your fallback for tracking first-party company data

Respecting users’ privacy preferences while still gathering valuable data is a delicate balance. 

That’s why we’re also introducing a Cookieless Account Analytics script, a separate but complementary tool designed to work when visitors opt out of traditional cookie-based tracking.

Cookieless tracking ensures that even when users decline cookies, you still gain crucial account-level insights into page visits. While it doesn’t identify who the visitor is, it lets you know that someone was there and what they did, which can be invaluable for understanding overall engagement. 

This fallback option kicks in automatically, providing a safety net for data collection while respecting user privacy.

Our Cookieless tracking solution utilizes a simple IP-to-Company lookup to gather company-related data, ensuring that no personal information is collected. 

IP addresses are temporarily stored only for processing and are automatically deleted within 14 days. No other PII data is collected or stored such as UserAgent and cookies.

Not fingerprinting

Unlike Fingerprinting, the Cookieless Account Analytics script’s IP-to-Company lookup approach is privacy-compliant.

You can read more about why B2B marketers shouldn’t consider fingerprinting for their tracking here → 

The end-to-end B2B customer journey

Our new Analytics Script is just part of our 360° customer journey tracking. 

Apart from the intent source integrations, Dreamdata has point-and-click proprietary integrations with the major ad platforms and CRMs, including LinkedIn Conversions API and Google Enhanced Conversions

This enables B2B marketing teams to track the impact of every marketing effort on pipeline and revenue and automatically send this conversion and audience data back to the ad platforms - closing the B2B revenue loop.


Proven Success: Script out of Beta and ready for you

After rigorous testing and refinement, Analytics Script 2.0 has officially moved out of Beta. We’ve already tracked millions of events, and over 20% of our customers have successfully transitioned to this new script. 

Existing Dreamdata customer?

Are you an existing Dreamdata customer and using our analytics script version 1.0?

We are not sunsetting v1.0 but highly recommend that you upgrade to v2.0 to make use of its additional benefits:

  • Hybrid intent out of the box

  • Cookieless account analytics

  • Improved auto-identify

Single-page application tracking is also only available on v.2.0

Simplified setup with the new Onboarding Wizard

To make the transition even smoother, we’ve introduced a new onboarding wizard alongside better documentation. Whether you’re generating a default script or customizing it to meet specific needs, the wizard guides you through the entire setup process, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical expertise.

The wizard can be accessed at any time through the Data Platform under Sources > Javascript Version 2.0, or directly via the setup URL. This ensures that you can easily revisit and adjust your tracking configuration as your needs evolve.

Available now for all customers and new users

The new Analytics Script 2.0 is now available for all customers, with full support for Cookieless Account Tracking. To start using these new features, simply log in to your account and follow the setup process. 

Don’t miss out on upgrading your tracking infrastructure with the most advanced B2B tracking script available.


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