Building the 11 most relevant audiences for B2B revenue teams

We recently launched Dreamdata Audience Hub, which offers B2B revenue teams the easiest way to build the most relevant audiences anywhere.

You can read more about Audience Hub here → 

But just what do the most relevant audiences look like?

Well, in this post, we’re covering 11 incredible audiences B2B revenue teams can build and activate with Audience Hub. Whether it’s signal-based audiences for retargeting campaigns, account prioritization audiences for Sales, or at-risk customer audiences for churn prevention, Dreamdata Audience Hub gets you there at the literal click of a button.


1. All known accounts fitting your ICP definition for ads targeting

For who? Marketing
Target Audience? Companies

There’s nothing worse than running campaigns on accounts that are a bad product fit. That’s why the concept of Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is so important for efficient go-to-market.

With Dreamdata Audience Hub you can easily put together an audience of all known accounts fitting your ICP definition.


How to do it:

  • Add each relevant component of your ICP criteria, e.g. industries, company size, company country, and annual revenue.

  • Exclude your customers by adding company property ‘Status’ does not contain ‘Customers’.

  • Sync to Google or LinkedIn Ads and set your campaigns in motion.

2. Target accounts signalling intent for retargeting campaigns

For who? Marketing
Target Audience? Companies/ Contacts

Signal-based marketing is being trumpeted as one of the key B2B go-to-market approaches in the coming years.

In a nutshell, signal-based marketing is the extension of ABM, where the right accounts are targeted at the right time, i.e. when they have performed certain actions (sent signals).

By collecting first-party data as well as intent data, Dreamdata enables you to capture relevant signals and assess which of these show the strongest buying intent.

Once you understand what these signals are, you can build and activate a retargeting audience using Audience Hub.

How to do it:

  • Select the relevant high-intent signal, e.g. demo page visit, over the last 14 days

  • Filter by your ICP or Select target account list (company property)

  • Save you audience

  • Set up a sync with LinkedIn Ads for tailored ad campaigns

3. ICP webinar attendees for re-engagement with personalized outreach

For who? Sales/ BDR/ Marketing
Target Audience? Contacts

There’s no hiding that webinars and video podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of content marketing - and I say this somewhat begrudgingly as a content writer… 

If you’ve smashed matching your content to your ICP, attendee lists are pure gold for your BDRs and any retargeting campaign.

With Audience Hub you can build a precise list of your most valuable attendees.

Check out our weekly LinkedIn Lives with some of B2B marketing’s biggest names, such as April Dunford, Chris Walker, Patrick Campbell, Richard Van der Blom, Andrew Davies.


How to do it:

  • Select the Event ‘attend webinar’ at least once over the last quarter

  • Add the condition that there is no Account Owner on the CRM

  • Add your ICP criteria

  • Send the list to your BDRs

  • And/or Sync your list to LinkedIn or Google Ads to activate ad campaigns

4. Accounts currently in the sales process with >90% engagement rate for Sales prioritization

For who? Sales
Target Audience? Contact

One of the best problems for Sales reps to have is a stuffed pipeline. However, as we all know, not all accounts on the Sales pipeline are made equal. That is, just because a Sales Rep has qualified an account as sellable doesn’t mean they are equally likely to close as quickly as others on the pipeline. Some accounts are more engaging more actively with your brand or on their free trial.

It is on these accounts that Sales reps want to put their limited time and effort on.

Audience Hub, in combination with Dreamdata Reveal’s engagement score, enables you to easily generate these lists for your Sales team.

How to do it:

  • Select the Stage ‘SQL’ (Opp created) over the last 30 days.

  • Select Company property - account owner, to focus only on your accounts.

  • Add condition Company property ‘Engagement Score’ is greater than 90%

  • And/Or add Event condition for the relevant signal(s), e.g. pricing page visit.

5. At-risk customers visiting the cancellation page to launch win-back campaigns

For who? Marketing/ Account Managers/ CS
Target Audience? Contacts

Churn is the eternal B2B SaaS menace; and churn prevention, the eternal struggle for account managers.

With Dreamdata you can identify customers who are performing actions that signal churn risk, e.g. visiting a cancellation page. From these, you can easily put in motion efforts to help prevent customers from churning, such as win-back campaigns with discounts, or tailored outreach with powerful use cases users may not be exploiting.

How to do it:

  • Select the Event ‘Page View’ - cancellation page (or any other cancellation signal) performed at least once over the last 30 days.

  • Select Company Property ‘current customer’ or Stage reached ‘NewBiz’ to ensure you’re focused only on existing customers

    • You can also target specific subscription plans to focus on the most valuable churn-risk customers.

6. Lost deals that are re-engaging with your brand

For who? Marketing/ Sales
Target Audience? Companies

Another inescapable fact of B2B life is lost deals. No matter how awesome your Sales teams are, deals slip through the net. Sometimes those accounts are opting for a competitor, other times they’re just not ready to buy.

But just because they were lost once doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. In fact, many times these good-fit leads come back. And when they do, you need to be ready to pick them up ASAP.

Audience Hub helps you build just that audience.


How to do it:

  • Select the Stage ‘closed lost’ over the last year

  • And have been on our homepage in the last 60 days at least once


Click on the company name and jump through to their customer journey map to see what their re-engagement journey looks like. Who’s involved? What actions have they performed? And tailor your outreach directly to these.


In this demo example, we see the ‘champion’ re-engaging directly three months after being closed lost - with a demo being booked a year later.

7. All ICP accounts visiting a relevant G2 category

For who? Marketing
Target Audience? Companies

A good portion of the B2B customer journey takes place outside your first-party digital properties. That’s why Dreamdata collects second-party intent data from G2 and LinkedIn - two key B2B intent sources.

By capturing these signals you are able to get ahead of the competition by building personalized and timely targeting campaigns on all those accounts who meet your ICP criteria and who are not already on your radar (are not a target account or already on your CRM).

How to do it:

  • Select Source ‘G2’

    • Add the specific category using the URL - if you want to focus only on a specific category.

  • Add condition, is not in CRM

  • Filter by your ICP criteria (company property)

  • Set up sync with LinkedIn Ads or Google Ads


8. Product power-users for feedback and success stories

For who? Marketing (customer marketing)
Target Audience? Contact

Success stories are the ultimate social proof for B2B buyers. Yet finding the most worthwhile story with the specific use case from the specific customer profile we’re after isn’t always easy.

With Dreamdata you can track web-based app behaviour to see who is using what feature and when. You can then fish out power-users for success stories or general feedback. For instance, we’ve been able to identify Audience Hub’s power-users since our launch last week and we’re already benefiting from their feedback!

How to do it:

  • Select Event - Page View (feature URL) at least 8 times during the last 14 days

  • Add Company Property ‘current customer’ or Stage reached ‘NewBiz’

9. All VP-level contacts downloading ebook/ gated content for retargeting

For who? Marketing/ Sales
Target Audience? Contact

Irrespective of where you fall on the gating vs not gating debate, gated content can be a source of relevant leads. The operative word here is ‘relevant’. 

With Dreamdata Audience Hub you can identify only those downloads that meet your ICP criteria, and put them into a retargeting campaign sequence.

How to do it:

  • Select Event - Download EBook, whitepaper, or template at least 1 time during the last 30 days

  • Add contact condition - VP Marketing (contact property)

  • Filter by your ICP criteria (company property)

  • Sync to LinkedIn Ads for relevant retargeting

10. Target customers from a lower tier subscription plan for upselling campaign

For who? Account Managers/ CS/ Marketing

Target Audience? Contact

Churn prevention (4 above) isn’t the only thing taking up account managers’ time, upselling is the other, brighter, side of the coin. Yet getting fresh lists of ripe customers for upselling isn’t always easy. 

Say you have an upgrade that would benefit lower-tier power users of a feature’s basic version. You’d want to know precisely who those power users are.

Once again, Dreamdata Audience Hub enables account managers and marketing teams to effortlessly build updated lists of these upsellable customers.

How to do it:

  • Select Stage NewBiz, add filter where ‘Plan’ equals ‘Team’

    • Add filters by your upper-tier ICP criteria if this is narrower.

  • Select Event - Page View (feature URL) at least 8 times during the last 14 days

11. Conference connections that meet ICP criteria and have been on website for outreach

For who? Marketing/ Sales
Target Audience? Company

The endless hours of networking at conferences can provide a treasure trove of potential leads. But when it comes to re-engaging with those contacts, you want to prioritize those who meet your ICP criteria and especially those who ended up jumping onto your site.

With Dreamdata Audience Hub you can identify all the potential leads sending relevant signals from the masses of connections you’ve made at conferences and activate them through BDR outreach or tailored re-engagement ad campaigns.

You might be interested in how we at Dreamdata found success with field marketing without buying booths.


How to do it:

  • Select the Event ‘attended conference’ at least once over the last quarter

    • Or select a list you’ve put together as a custom property on your CRM, from contact property

  • Add the condition that there is no Account Owner on the CRM

  • Add your ICP criteria

  • Send the list to your BDRs

  • And/or Sync your list to LinkedIn or Google Ads to activate nurturing campaigns

Start building and activating your audiences

These 11 audiences demonstrate just how powerful Dreamdata Audience Hub is for the B2B revenue team - and they only scratch the surface. As Dreamdata customers continue to use Audeince Hub we’ll no doubt see ever more advanced use cases.

With Audience Hub we’re empowering revenue teams to put an end to messy audience lists siloed across tools, manual CSV uploads, and having to rely on data teams to set up your audiences.

And the best thing, getting started is Free and instant, all you need to do is:

  1. Sign up to Dreamdata

  2. Connect tracking

  3. Start building your audiences


Study: Non-branded keywords have 19x worse return than branded keywords


Announcing the launch of Dreamdata Audience Hub