Product update - Stage model preview, data modelling schedule, and company journey view

We’re once again thrilled to announce some of the updates our fantastic product team has released over the past few months.

This post covers the following updates:

  • Faster setup and transparency with Stage Model Preview

  • Monitor the data modelling schedule with the new Data Modelling Schedule

  • See inactive Contacts on the updated Company Journey View

  • New Report Descriptors for easier understanding of reporting

  • Organize audiences with Audience Folders

  • Intent Sources now show activity

Big-name feature launches

But first, in case you missed it, the first six months of this year have been insanely productive, with three huge feature launches:

  1. Our completely redesigned Customer Journeys feature was launched in February, bringing you the clearest picture of customer journeys anywhere in the B2B space. Our interactive Customer Journeys view visually maps every company’s touchpoints as it moves through your sales funnel.

  2. In May we launched our Audience Hub, which offers the easiest way to create the most relevant audiences from your go-to-market data anywhere. 

    Audience Hub empowers revenue teams by putting an end to messy audience lists siloed across tools, manual CSV uploads, and having to rely on data teams to set up your audiences.

  3. Most recently, we launched our first-of-its-kind in-app B2B Benchmarks report which allows you to compare your B2B performance with industry benchmarks instantly.

    The feature consists of four reports: Ad Budget, Web Traffic, Ad Performance and Journey Metrics, each offering insights into how other B2Bs are driving their growth; helping you succeed with yours.

And now to the below-the-radar releases.

Stage Model Preview

Available on all plans ✅

Customers now have the ability to preview the results of their stage model configuration instantly, eliminating the previous need to wait until the next day for validation. With this update, customers can:

  • Set the time range for the preview.

  • View the total count and value of [deals] for straightforward validation.

  • View the list of [deals] filtered by the stage model configuration.

  • Search for missing [deals] using IDs to see how the configuration applies to these deals.

  • Download the list of [deals] for further comparison.

The new preview functionality empowers users with greater control, facilitating further setup and integration of our automation tools, such as CAPI and Google Offline Conversions.

The feature is fully self-service, minimizing friction during the initial setup and validation of stage models, ultimately allowing you to easily build and accelerate the process from idea to stage model.

Additionally, we have added a ‘Set to end of day’ option for timestamps on the stage model configurator.

To access this feature head to Data Platform > Settings > Stage Models.

Data Modeling Schedule

Available for Business and Enterprise plans ✅

Dreamdata Business and Enterprise plan customers can now check when their models are getting updated.

With the new Data Modelling Schedule feature, you can see the schedule for updates with estimated run times and processing end time, when they last got an updated model (last successful data modelling run) and if their data model is currently being updated (current status of the data modelling process if running). 

Additionally, customers will also have the option to start a manual update on their data models if, say, one has not been run for a few days, or if something appears to be missing in the reports. This means customers now have greater control and certainty of the status and freshness of their data.

To access this feature head to Setting > Data Modeling Schedule

Updated Company Journey View

Available on Team, Business and Enterprise plans ✅

In response to user feedback, we have enhanced the Company Journey view by including contacts without activity (touch points) in the list of Contacts. Previously, contacts in the CRM with no activity were not visible on Dreamdata’s “Company” view. Now, all contacts are displayed.

To help you easily distinguish these inactive contacts:

  • They appear in a grey font instead of black.

  • They are positioned at the bottom of the list by default.

  • Their respective timelines show zero touch points.

The total number of contacts (with no filter applied) is now shown at the top of the contacts list inside parentheses.

This update ensures closer alignment between your CRM and Dreamdata. It also makes it easier to identify important, yet inactive, roles to target.

To access this feature, head to Customer Journeys > Company journey.

New report descriptors

Available on all plans ✅

We have improved the filter configuration for every ‘Performance’ and ‘Revenue Analytics’ report to better describe what is being analyzed and measured when selecting a time window, pipeline stage, and attribution model.

In Performance reports you’ll now see the following:

Analyze activities during [This year] and measure the prospects that reached [SQL] using the [Data-Driven] attribution model.

And in Revenue Analytics you’ll see the following:

Analyze prospects that reached [SQL] during [This year]

This update provides greater clarity for users to more accurately compare metrics across different reports, understand the context and implications of their choices, and gain a better understanding of their data.

Audiences shared folders and direct sync

Available on all plans (Sync available on Team, Business and Enterprise plans only)

Following our Audience Hub launch earlier this year, we have made further improvements to this immensely popular feature.

Users are now able to group audiences into folders to better organize relevant audiences and more easily share these amongst the team.

Additionally, Dreamdata paid plan customers can now create audience syncs directly from Audience Hub, no longer having to jump across to the Data Platform tab to set them up.

Dreamdata Audience Sync is part of our drive towards end-to-end automation and brings us back to our LinkedIn CAPI and Google Ads Offline Conversions integrations. Which enables you to instantly send your custom audiences directly to Google Ads Customer Match and LinkedIn Ads Matched Audiences. 

This closes the revenue feedback loop to the ad platforms - automatically. And keeps it closed with daily updates, so that you’re guaranteed the necessary data accuracy and freshness to continually optimize your campaigns.

To access this feature head to Audience Hub > Audiences.

Intent Sources now show activity

Available on all plans ✅

With growing adoption of first-party intent data sources and integrations with Dreamdata (see here for more on how Dreamdata can help B2Bs make the most of their intent data), we have also added the ‘activity’ function to these sources. 

We determine activity by an event from a source that Dreamdata has received and enriched within the last 7 days.

To see activity, or add intent data sources, head to Data Platform > Sources.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about these latest product releases. We're always working to improve our product and bring you the latest and greatest features to help you achieve your business goals. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

And as always, please let us know what you think!


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