Product update - LinkedIn Ads, Stage Model Configurator, and more!

Woohoo! It’s time for another product update! 

True to form, the Dreamdata product team’s been busy getting some really exciting stuff released. Hold on to your seats, these four updates are a real treat!

We’re covering:

1. The expansion of the LinkedIn Ads feature suite, which now includes:

    • Our native integration with LinkedIn Ads (as a LinkedIn Marketing Partner)

    • LinkedIn Ads Intent Data

    • LinkedIn Offline Conversions

2. The entirely revamped Stage Model Configurator (now fully self-service!)

3. The new dedicated Google Smart Ads report

4. The Journeys list reports now also being made available for download for Team plan customers.

Let’s dive in 👇

A revamped LinkedIn Ads feature suite

We know that LinkedIn Ads are the lifeblood of many B2B marketers. That’s why we are now making the most of our access to LinkedIn Ads data as a LinkedIn Marketing Partner.

Over the last month, there have been three game-changing releases:

LinkedIn Ads native integration

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Say goodbye to the hassle of manually importing data from LinkedIn Lead Ads/Lead Gen Forms. We've now got you fully covered with a native integration that eliminates the need to use Zapier as a conduit.

This means you can catch all conversions happening on the LinkedIn platform and attribute towards them from start to finish, with Dreamdata.

LinkedIn Ads Intent Data

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Next up is our LinkedIn Intent Data feature, where we now pull customer engagement data from Linked Ads - giving us access to company clicks and impression data that happened on your LinkedIn Ads. 

This essentially means Dreamdata users can now get a more accurate and complete list of the companies who interact with them on LinkedIn, as well as how they interact.

We’re pushing this data into a new table in the LinkedIn performance dashboard and also directly into the customer journey map.

This extra data also allows us to provide even more accurate attribution to LinkedIn (the new unconverted interactions are still interactions, even if they didn't convert)!

Based on Dreamdata customers' data over the last 12 months, this added data has been shown to improve the ROI measure of LinkedIn Ads by an average of 7.7x!!

Catch all the details of Dreamdata’s LinkedIn intent data feature here →

LinkedIn Offline Conversions

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Dreamdata has become one of just six currently supported LinkedIn Offline Conversions automated integrations!

This integration allows you to feed pipeline (aka offline conversions) data straight back to the LinkedIn Ads campaign manager. 

Effectively allowing you to train the LinkedIn Ads algorithm to deliver better results.

According to LinkedIn, Offline Conversions can help you more accurately measure the down-funnel effectiveness of your campaigns by providing more insights to improve return on investment measurement and optimize performanceAnd cut your CPA by 7%”!

Our integration means Dreamdata users can easily set up LinkedIn Offline Conversions from the Dreamdata platform to keep your LinkedIn Ads constantly synced with all your conversion (read, pipeline and revenue) data!

You can get all the details of our LinkedIn Offline Conversions integration in this post → 

An entirely revamped Stage Model Configurator (now fully self-service!)

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We know how important it is to keep improving even our best features, which is why we're thrilled to announce the V3 of our industry-leading Stage Model Configurator. 

Our stage models configurator allows you to set and measure goals on Dreamdata according to your marketing and sales funnel. 

And this latest version takes a huge step towards making Dreamdata as self-service as possible; as you can now self-configure stage models (pipeline conversion goals) that are based on the creation of, or update to, any type of CRM object – contacts, companies, opportunities or deals.

You can use the timestamp from any custom field and at any deal stage (history of stages), and set the value of a stage using any custom field and/or a default value manually. 

This means vast improvements in Time-To-Value for our customers and the data science team will be freed up to develop new powerful products and insights for our customers. How brilliant is that?

Although of course, we’re always here to assist you should you need or want our help and advice.

A new, dedicated Google Smart Ads report

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We couldn't leave out our Google Smart Ads report! 

We know a growing number of B2B companies are using Google’s Performance Max campaigns.

That’s why Dreamdata now offers a new Google Smart Ads performance report catering exclusively to Google’s novel Performance Max campaigns.

You’ll now be able to track the value these campaigns in pipeline and revenue generated, as well as compare them against all your other paid campaigns.

The Journeys list reports are now also available for download for Team plan customers

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Last but not least, we've made it easier for our Team customers to export ALL four Journey lists in CSV format. You can now generate lists of contacts, companies you want to target, and more!

We hope you're as excited as we are about these latest product releases. We're always working to improve our product and bring you the latest and greatest features to help you achieve your business goals. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

And as always, please let us know what you think!


Dreamdata launches new ROI report to better track marketing spend on physical events


Expose the Dark Funnel behind your LinkedIn Ads and discover their true value with Dreamdata