Dreamdata has joined the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program!

We’re extremely happy to announce that Dreamdata has joined the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program.

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with more than 850 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, offering the B2B marketer a goldmine of potential customers.

The LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program helps LinkedIn members find trusted solutions to help market their business on the professional network.

Joining the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program highlights Dreamdata’s value in providing B2B marketers with unprecedented insights into their LinkedIn Ads activities.

(Plus, as huge LinkedIn fans, joining the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program is doubly rewarding for our team!)

LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program

LinkedIn Marketing Partners is an ecosystem of “hand-picked” third-party integrations that help users find trusted solutions to help market their business on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is one of the favoured channels for Dreamdata’s existing customer base. And this includes ourselves. We’re not only actively running a bunch of LinkedIn ad campaigns but also keen supporters of employee advocacy on LinkedIn.

We’re confident that becoming a LinkedIn Marketing Partner will help us bring revenue attribution to even more LinkedIn members”, said Lars Grønnegaard.

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See more Dreamdata reviews from LinkedIn ads users

The LinkedIn & Dreamdata Integration

Dreamdata is a leading B2B revenue attribution and analytics platform that helps marketers build, repeat and scale success.

By connecting all the tools on the go-to-market tech stack, Dreamdata is able to link your marketing efforts to pipeline and revenue.

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This means that with Dreamdata, you can finally see how your LinkedIn Ads campaigns are performing in the metrics that matter most.

Unleash the power of your LinkedIn Ads

With Dreamdata you’re able to deep dive into every aspect of B2B LinkedIn Ads campaigns. This includes being able to:

  • Find the ROAS of all your LinkedIn Ads campaigns

By connecting your marketing efforts to revenue, Dreamdata is able to give you an accurate ROAS measure for each of your LinkedIn Ads campaigns.

This allows you to identify the campaigns you should double down on and which need to be optimised or scrapped altogether.

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  • Compare performance across all your ad networks

B2B marketers that operate across ad networks often lack visibility into which channels are performing better than others.

By pooling data from across the tech stack, Dreamdata enables you to easily compare performance across your paid channels.

Is LinkedIn generating more pipeline than your other channels? Time to double down and scale your best campaigns.

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  • Analyse the impact of your LinkedIn campaigns at different stages of your pipeline.

Where in the pipeline do your LinkedIn Ads make the biggest difference? Are the leads you’re pulling far up the funnel becoming Sales opportunities? Are your retargeting campaigns helping Sales nurture accounts?

With Dreamdata’s Stages Models, you’re able to evaluate the impact of your LinkedIn Ads campaigns by pipeline stage. So you know where LinkedIn has the biggest impact.

  • Build target audiences that drive revenue.

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As a B2B marketer, you’re most interested in reaching professionals, which is what makes LinkedIn so powerful.

Dreamdata dynamically tracks and identifies users and accounts across their buying journey. Making it very easy to quickly identify your Ideal Customer Profile.

With this data in hand, you can easily build LinkedIn matched audiences on your ideal profiles, to make sure you pull only the best quality accounts.

You can find out more about using Dreamdata to build LinkedIn audiences here →

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See more Dreamdata reviews from LinkedIn Ads users

Why not start powering up your LinkedIn Ads with Dreamdata today?


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