Winter and Spring Fun at Dreamdata

As the saying goes, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - and the same can be said for companies that don’t provide opportunities for employees to socialise outside of the workplace!

Company social events offer a chance to foster a sense of community and teamwork among colleagues, while also providing a well-deserved break from the daily grind.

In this post, we’ll look back over the past couple of months to see what fun activities the Dreamdata team have been up to. 

Christmas party

The Christmas season is always an exciting time of year, and in our office, we like to celebrate in style. 

This year, instead of just having a Christmas party, we dedicated a full day to our Christmas celebration!

To get the day started, we began by decorating the office with festive decorations, with everyone helping to make the office look as magical as possible.

We then got down to the serious business of quizzes -  both about the company and each other. We had prepared some questions in advance, and everyone got involved, with prizes for those who answered the most questions correctly. 

It was a great way to test how much we know about the company we work in, and the people we work with every day! 

As the afternoon wore on, we moved on to board games and gløgg, a traditional Scandinavian drink that always goes down a treat, before heading to a local restaurant for a 5 course meal and wine menu. 

The food was delicious, and the wine flowed freely - what more could one ask for?! 

It was a great chance to unwind after a busy year and to reflect on all that we had achieved together. It was the perfect way to end a fantastic year, with everyone in high spirits and looking forward to the holiday season ahead.

We're already looking forward to next year's party and can't wait to see what we come up with!

Sauna and winter bathing

The idea of taking a dip in the freezing cold sea is enough to make most people run for the hills.

However, in Denmark, there are no hills and winter bathing is a long-standing tradition that has gained renewed popularity!

Aside from the invigorating feeling of taking a plunge into icy water, research has shown that winter swimming can boost the immune system, improve blood circulation, and stimulate the release of hormones like serotonin, cortisol, and dopamine. 

This can leave you feeling warm and fuzzy, which is very fitting for the Danish capital of cosiness, don’t you think?

However, after braving the cold water, nothing is more enjoyable than warming up again in a sauna - which is exactly why we combined the two activities by renting a sauna for a couple of hours and alternating regularly between hot and cold !

And after this invigorating evening of winter bathing and sauna relaxation, we finished off the night with some beers and burgers - the perfect way to end an evening spent embracing the cold (and all the benefits that come with it).

Running club

New year, new running club! 

In preparation for the upcoming races that the Dreamdata team will take part in later in the year, we’ve started up our own weekly running club. 

Every Friday before work we get together for a run around the beautiful lakes that our office lies beside. Everyone from complete beginners to experienced runners are welcome to join - with several routes planned out to cater to all fitness levels.

For the bravest of the Dreamteam, the runs are followed by a (quick) dip in the water and then a warm shower to thaw out again. 

This running club adds on to our little workout section in the office where the employees can take some time out to get the blood pumping and work on their fitness levels. 

We hope we’re going to smash our times in the races this year! Watch this space for updates! 

Fun and games with Bow Combat

Bow combat, also known as archery tag or combat archery, is a thrilling and challenging sport that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a team-based activity that combines the skills of archery with the fast-paced action of dodgeball.

This was what was in store for our Dreamteam on one rainy spring day (alongside a few games of actual dodgeball!).  

Armed with our bows and helmets we headed onto the pitch in two teams to face off against the other team. We played some games of last man standing and ‘capture the flag’, with glory to be gained for themselves and their team! 

After all the energy was spent running around, we retired to the games room for some warm food and a few relaxing games of darts, pool, table tennis and more!

Teambuilding Events

In addition to organising events for the entire company, we place great importance on providing our teams with opportunities to bond and have fun together. This helps to build stronger, more cohesive teams and improve team morale. 

Over the past few months, we have organised a range of team-building activities, such as escape rooms, bowling, and dining at various restaurants. 

These activities not only allow team members to enjoy themselves but also provide a platform for them to interact with each other outside of the typical work environment. 

We have found that sharing meals together has a unique ability to bring people closer, allowing us to better understand each other on a personal level. 

Through these activities, our teams have grown closer and more supportive of each other, which ultimately benefits our company as a whole. 

We are committed to continuing to offer engaging and enjoyable after-hours activities to our staff, as we believe they play an important role in strengthening our teams and promoting a positive workplace culture. 

Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming events!

PS. We’ve moved offices! Our expanding team needed room to breathe so we moved into this beautiful, big office by Copenhagen’s harbour! 

We look forward to welcoming more of our customers, partners and friends of Dreamdata into the new office very soon!

Keep an eye on our careers page for a chance to join in on the fun!


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