Starting with LinkedIn CAPI could not be easier

Benefit from up to 20% reduction in CPA by syncing your pipeline data directly to your LinkedIn Ads campaign manager with Dreamdata’s free LinkedIn Ads CAPI integration.

You shouldn’t have to depend on engineering teams to benefit from LinkedIn CAPI

Data from a LinkedIn study on CAPI impact

Automated syncs directly to LinkedIn

  • Dreamdata automatically syncs your pipeline conversion data daily to LinkedIn Ads.

  • Choose the pipeline stages that matter most to you.

  • No need to wait on data teams or spend time on endless manual uploads and entries.

Automatically train LinkedIn to optimize your campaigns

  • Send accurate pipeline data daily to LinkedIn Ads.

  • Optimize campaigns towards what matters.

  • Reduce wasted ad spend.

How Dreamdata sends your pipeline data to LinkedIn


Dreamdata collects first-party data from across the GTM tech stack so you know what activities drive pipeline and revenue.  


Once your conversion sync is set up (in a click), your pipeline data is then synced daily with LinkedIn Ads, ensuring campaigns are optimized on the freshest data.


LinkedIn Ads will now know which campaigns work and which don’t and start automatically optimizing towards likely-to-convert accounts.

Dreamdata a leading LinkedIn Marketing Partner

Dreamdata is part of a select group of vendors integrating with LinkedIn’s Conversion API.

Check out the full Dreamdata LinkedIn Ads suite here →

Get started with Dreamdata’s Free LinkedIn CAPI integration

  1. Sign up for Dreamdata Free.

  2. Get a free onboarding session.

  3. Set up your Dreamdata Tracking Script.

  4. Connect your LinkedIn Ads and other ad accounts.

  5. Connect your CRM - for all that pipeline data.

  6. Set up your LinkedIn CAPI sync in one click.