Capterra Ads


Why not see the actual performance of your
Capterra ads for yourself?


Video Transcript:

Hi, guys. So let me show you how we at Dreamdata can attribute money to ads bought on Capterra. Capterra is a very popular platform to buy ads for, particularly if you're a software company, because it's a software review platform and the buyers reading about you, there are pretty nice down the funnel, at least from an understanding your category perspective.

So what Dreamdata basically does here is it pulls all the campaigns you are running there, along with the cost you are running there. We can pull out through the API, what's your average position there? How many clicks did you buy and so forth? Now, when you then arrive to the your website with the UTM from Capterra, we can also then associate that UTM that is locked on you as an anonymous ID with who you are as a person, and which company you then belong to. Which ultimately, allows us to look at revenue as well.

So all in all, at the end of the day, we can say, how many costs did you have associated with buying ads on Capterra? How many clicks did you get from it? How many deals did Capterra bring into you and how much revenue was that worth?

We then also inform you about what's the return on ad spend. It's a little bit high here because of the SQL deal value and NewBiz deals, but let's leave that. We can then also pull up what kind of categories are you buying traffic from. How much do you spend? How much revenue does it bring in?

And then, the hungry growth person will then go, "Is there room for me buying more clicks from the same category? Should I increase my position on Capterra? Which campaigns are working? What is not working?" In essence, it's really creates transparency into whether Capterra is a good channel for you or not.

It saves your ops person a ton of time gluing the whole puzzle together. So you don't have to be... Essentially, if you want to solve this yourself, you will need to look at a click that comes in being linked with an email. Also being linked with a company, also being linked with revenue. Which is a big pain if you want to do it yourself. And as a marketer, you get this very simple overview of what is working, what's not working? What should you do more of.

Find out more about integrating Capterra ads with Dreamdata.