
See the value of SEO in pipeline and revenue generated

Boosting SERP is an SEO’s bread and butter. Yet apart from hitting the top spots, and possibly bringing in some traffic, how much can actually be shown in terms of actual real business value; real pipeline and real revenue? Dreamdata helps SEOs move away from traffic and conversions and puts deals and dollars generated on ranking URLs. 

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Find your Organic performance

Head over to the Performance tab and then Google Search in the Organic drop-down.

Here you’ll find the headlines of the channel’s performance. That is, how much pipeline and revenue has been generated by Google Search organic.

With these metrics, you’ll find your best performers at a glance.

Bear in mind: 

  1. The date range

  2. The pipeline stage you’re measuring

  3. Whether you want to exclude any content, e.g. homepage (under Landing Page Content filter)

Step 2: Find your deals and revenue generated by URL

Scroll down to find a table on all the URLs (all the URLs filtered by In the table you’ll find the standard metrics you're accustomed to seeing on Google Analytics, or wherever you do your web tracking. But on the columns on the righthand side of the table, you can find the actual business value delivered (in deals and revenue) over the time period selected.

This breaks away from the limits of same-session conversion. That is, leads don't have to convert on the same session as the visit. As we know, in B2B it can take months before these SEO visits actually ever become revenue.

Step 3: Reflect on your SEO strategy

Seeing Rank, Traffic, Number of Deals, and Revenue of each URL in the same table makes it effortless to evaluate your SEO strategy.

For instance, you can assess whether going after high volume keywords which bring in tons of traffic actually pays its dues. Or whether niche low volume keywords are the source of value.

Similarly you can juxtapose rank with pipeline and revenue.

Once you find the patterns you can focus your SEO work on the pages that actually do bring in revenue for your company.

How it works:

Dreamdata offers end-to-end customer journey tracking: enabling the platform to see who’s coming onto your site and from where. Channel, campaign, content, if it’s tracked, it’s measured.

And by connecting to your CRM, the measurement benchmark is actual pipeline and revenue generated.

For the SEO, this means linking URL with pipeline and revenue. URLs (and keywords) whose SERP can then be cross-referenced, to reveal whether the keyword is actually delivering where it matters. 

Video: See the value of SEO in pipeline and revenue generated