Product launch: The Deal Inspector πŸ”Ž

In our humble opinion, this is every Data Driven B2B Marketers dream come true. 

Every deal. Every contact. Every TouchPoint. It’s all there. In one log per account.

With the Deal Inspector, you get to see exactly what all of the contacts on an account did leading up to the deal. 

From the very first touch to the last. No matter the time in between. Every channel, session, source, medium, all the information you need to understand your customer journey.

How does it work

Okay, let’s get more specific. Here’s the details of the Dreamdata Deal Inspector. 

The Deal Inspector presents all your won deals within the time frame you have selected to inspect ie. last month, last quarter, last year and so forth.

Given the time frame, the inspector will show all the deals that closed as won in the period selected. 

Neat, but you have seen that before, right?

However, the data that the Deal Inspector is built upon you probably haven't seen before.

Dreamdata gathers every single digital touch point involved in making the deal happen! 

All the tools that take part in the B2B customers' customer journeys have been integrated. 

From the first ads, to the automation, to Q&As with customer success and conversations with sales. 

It’s all joined in one place, cleaned and sorted by accounts to make this overview and timeline possible.

product launch deal inspector

Besides the basic info on deals, this overview allows you to see for all deals:

  • Channels: How many channels was part of the journey?

  • Contacts: How many contacts took part of the journey?

  • Sessions: How many sessions happened before the deal closed?

  • Revenue: How much revenue did you make on each deal?

This enables Dreamdata to address the challenges of B2B transactions, which traditional tracking doesn’t solve:

  • Time: There’s a long time from 1st visit to revenue in your CRM. The cookies expire long before it can send meaningful (revenue) information back.

  • Multiple stakeholders: One B2B account is often represented by multiple stakeholders. If you follow the person with the credit card you probably don’t see where the demand originated from, hence you can’t act and scale on that information.

  • Team effort: Each deal is the result of a team effort from your whole company. Only looking at marketing spend vs. revenue, does not make sense in B2B. Both customer success and sales also put in a lot of work to make a deal happen.

Each deal and it’s attribution model is unique

The overview is just the start. You can click each deal to deepdive into every single touch point recorded for the account.

deal inspector

The deal inspection gives you insights into:

Core data about the deal

  • Channels: How many channels took part in closing the deal?

  • Revenue: How much revenue is the deal worth?

  • Contacts: How many people were involved in the deal on the customers side

  • Days: How much time passed from first touch to the deal closed as won?

  • Session: How many sessions did you the account take to close?

Comparable attribution models for the specific deal

  • Each deal has its own unique attribution model. 

  • Some started from paid channels, others from emails, organic searches or perhaps a good ol’ cold canvas call. As all activity is logged, it’s possible to get a quick sense of the deals journey.

The account time log

  • This log presents every single digital touch point that has been possible to associate with the account that is being inspected. You can sort the list; From the first timestamp to the latest. See which contact did what. Understand which channel affected the deal. See how revenue was attributed to each touch.

deal inspector

What the Deal Inspector should be used for

They say that data is the new oil. Perhaps it is, but most companies are actually dealing with a flood of data. Actually, more like a tsunami. A data tsunami!

Each department has their tools. Their data. Data remains both siloed and drastically abundant. 

Some people prefer one data set. Others care about another set. This causes distrust and division between teams, where data was supposed to be the unifying element.

As the Deal Inspector represent data from all sources, it will; 

  • Bridge the age old gap between marketing and sales

  • Make B2B companies understand their Time to Revenue and what that means for their operations

  • Drive an unprecedented respect for data

  • Ultimately unify businesses around a commonly trusted data set

If you want to know more about the Deal Inspector and Dreamdata please do reach out to us.


Product launch: Attribution to Pipeline πŸ“Š


Podcast 🎧: β€œWe’re the tech person for the CMO”