
Discover the key personas involved in your customer journeys

Supplementary Guide

The Company Journey timeline lists every contact involved in the buying journey and all their corresponding touches. This means instantly being able to visualise who is involved and when. Helping you evaluate the extent and impact of their involvement in the buying journey.

The following steps show you how.

Step 1: Access your desired Dreamdata Customer Journey timeline

Head to the Customer Journeys > Companies, or, Customer Journeys > Deals reports to find the account you are looking for.

Alternatively, find the cohort you are looking for using the Audience Hub > Audiences, e.g. your biggest deals in the quarter or your ABM target accounts, and select companies from there.

Step 2: Filter Contacts

Use the contacts ‘filter’ to focus only on the roles you are interested in analyzing.

You can also do this manually by de-selecting individual contacts from the timeline.

Step 3: View Contact details

Use the ‘details’ toggle to view the Name, Email and other details of your Contacts.

Step 4: Analyze Contact involvement

Use the Channels, Sources, Campaigns and/or Conversions filter to highlight touchpoints on the Contact’s timeline.

Use the ‘only’ toggle to view solely these touchpoints.

Now you can examine which touches (sessions) have played a role in the contact’s journey.

NOTE: This Recipe is part of a Customer Journey series. You can find the other Recipes in the series below: