Help! Can I use MQLs to build quality pipeline?

How to set up a B2B go-to-market funnel that better aligns Sales and Marketing

10 practical ways to align B2B Sales and Marketing teams

4 ways sales intelligence data can accelerate your pipeline

How Dreamdata helps B2B Sales teams close more deals

How Dreamdata turned HubSpot into a Product-led growth CRM
In February this year, we decided to dive head-first into product-led growth (PLG). We threw open the gates and welcomed freemium and free trial users to savour Dreamdata’s product.
In this post we share how we turned our HubSpot CRM into a PLG system and how it’s helped fuel our product-led growth since.

How to track and measure your podcasting activities: the 2021 podcast attribution recipe
Even in the world of B2B, podcasts are making a splash. But as more companies ride the wave, the question of podcast attribution becomes more relevant than ever.The good news is that it’s possible, and in this post we’re going to show you the ropes.

6 most common causes of dirty CRM data and how B2Bs can avoid them
Dirty CRM data “appears with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season”.
It’s no secret that the data sitting in your CRM is not always in the best condition. Incorrect, duplicate, incomplete data, plague the system.
Writing to a dead email address, working on duplicate entries, having the wrong time zone, are, at best, frequent frustrations. At worst, they’re revenue sapping stumbling blocks.

Social selling: how we started and what we’ve learned

Why we do product-led sales at Dreamdata and how we got here
This year we fundamentally changed how we do sales at Dreamdata. We’ve opened up our product for free use and gone product-led. It was a nerve-wracking decision and an equally nerve-wracking transitional period. Through hard work, a lot of experimentation and initially handheld processes, we’re now reaping the rewards of shifting to product-led sales as opposed to our old “trust us, it works” sales approach.
As product-led has been much hyped lately we wanted to share our first-hand learnings and reasoning for going down this road.

Revenue Operations: the new Ops on the block? A conversation with Jeff Ignacio